Tag: indie development

  • PMing A One Person Show: Asking Why ?

    PMing A One Person Show: Asking Why ?

    It’s been a couple of weeks since I performed my one person show, Black n Blue Boys / Broken Men. I know, I know; it’s strange to read the perspective of someone from the introverted tech world doing an very extroverted art form, but at this point in my career, I’ve come to grips that…

  • Post Mortem: Sol Del Rey Indie Game Development

    Post Mortem: Sol Del Rey Indie Game Development

    This was a summary of the first game I produced to launch on Android. Was not good, but the pre production process was educational. Pros: Invested in Starling instead of making my own engine Used Flashdevelop instead of Adobe’s IDE due to better debugging Went through multiple Starling tutorials to get the hang of the…

  • Chucks and Cobblestones: Day 2 – Nerdy Meetups, HOG and the English Nerd Artist

    Chucks and Cobblestones: Day 2 – Nerdy Meetups, HOG and the English Nerd Artist

    Thank you Meetup for introducing me to super cool people in a place I don’t know. I will forever by an acolyte for Meetup and AirBnB. There, I said it. London, Day 2 begets an uneventful morning. My hosts went to their perspective jobs and I was left to my own devices. When choice and…

  • Starling, FlashDevelop, Android and Me (The Setup)

    Starling, FlashDevelop, Android and Me (The Setup)

          So at long last, I finally have a comprehensive walkthrough on how to set up your Android Development Environment using Flashdevelop and Starling. I know I went through multiple years of hell, as a ground zero beginner, of just slogging through so much incomplete, old and just shoddily written tutorials that it…