Now that the #Gamergate Hooplah’s Died Down.

fuck all this shit.

I find all of #gamergate stupid really and this is from my Facebook a while back. TL:DR: Arm chair feminism and neckbeard sweat rage does not further the medium. I hope fiascoes like these stop and people make more things.




I’ve had multiple emails about this.

Please stop emailing, texting me and debating me about how I am not on the side of the cause of feminism. The person (Yes, her) who is being interviewed does not know the medium, admits so, and is not a feminist due to the lack of inclusion of hyper-sexualized males and their cruel deaths, the lack of representation, or parody of, people of color, gay and transgender people. I am not siding with the neckbeards (and their bald, testicular lacking avatar ) for their threats and general childishness; but I will not side with a media sponge either. This is not making the game medium go forward and this is a classic ‘dolphin vs manatee’ argument since Jack Thompson/Roger Ebert did something in the same vein years ago and no one defended them. Last I remembered, there weren’t any ‘feminist’ involved with that or their countless death threats.

With that being said, if the medium is to be balanced, more women need to get into the industry and MAKE THINGS. Not one game, not a few, but companies and teams. We need more female mentors to go to schools, encouraging young women and girls to get into science and math. We need more women in Game Jams. We need female coders, artists, writers, producers and engineers. We need more tabletop designers and implementers. We need more women in the trenches, not armchair feminists who are no different than neckbeards with the exception of less physical violence and more social/reputation destruction. Don’t believe me? Please search the web for anyone making fun of ‘fatshion’ and ‘thin privilege’ and the same venom exists.

So if you are emailing me with shouts, then you, like Anita, are doing nothing to solve the problem. Anita is getting the attention your daughters, sisters and female family NEED to make a difference.

And if you are a true feminist, then you know this is a battle about the system, not just women.


I’m not above asking for tips!

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