So at long last, I finally have a comprehensive walkthrough on how to set up your Android Development Environment using Flashdevelop and Starling. I know I went through multiple years of hell, as a ground zero beginner, of just slogging through so much incomplete, old and just shoddily written tutorials that it would make any sane person walk away and become a goat farmer somewhere.
Luckily I’m insane and I lack the patience for goats. Without further a do, hit the jump to profit from my years of eye bleeding torture. You’re welcome, maggot.
Setting Up Android SDK and FlashDevelop: Those Flashing Robots
* Although dated, the process is still the same. The only changes I made in the walkthrough is:
– I did not use the command line to build the dummy project. I just right clicked on PackageApp.bat within my Flashdevelop project after following all the steps listed.
– After installing the SDK and AVD manager, I changed my SetupSDK.bat to the following:
C:\Users\YOUR NAME HERE\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk
You no longer have to point the SetupSDK.bat to: C:\Users\YOUR NAME HERE\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools ; it will not work if you do.
– I also did not do the manual typical download Flex SDK and overwrite with Air SDK since Flashdevelop does that for you with AppMan. I typically use Flex + Air SDK and Flash Player (SA) options.
Setting up Starling: Flipping The Bird
The most simple Starling Setup
* Knowing the -swf versions you are working with are extremely important since it will cause a conflict error when compiling your app. Know the -swf…love the -swf. Keep the -swf version up to date.

Setting Up Your Devices: The Droid Wants Penetration
– Android 5.0 and beyond (aka ‘The 7 Tap Rule’ )

ABD and Driver Hell: aajsajdhajsdhajsahsgfasgfafjafja yolo!
Solution for Windows 7 and 8 machines.
Solution for Windows 7 and 8 machines part 2.
* This has been my own private developer hell for YEARS. Yes, I said it. Years. I never could figure out why I couldn’t get my devices to see ADB and I sincerely thought I was not cut out for this line of work. Lo and behold, since 1 am this morning (It is 5 am now as I write this), I slogged through every forum, every video, every blog that described sideloading with ADB and various android devices. No. Dice. Then, by chance, I came across a small suggestion stating that Win7 was stupid (Not me, yay!) and that its drivers typically trump Google’s drivers. I took the leap of faith, followed the above suggestions and POOF, adb and my Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 could finally sideload. Thank ya, Jeezus. It’s a miracle.
Side note, if you are still using a Motorola Zoom to test, you will need the device manager drivers. Yeah, I thought the same thing too, but when testing three android devices, the Xoom was the onlyy one that gave me clarity why I had the driver problem in the first place. Get the Device Manager drivers. They will make your life so much easier when developing low end devices.
If this tutorial helped you out, I’m not above asking for tips!
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